At KidsVoice, we celebrate all of our clients' successes, large and small. From getting their first A in math to successful adoption or reunification, KidsVoice clients have to overcome unseen hurdles to achieve a sense of normalcy. KidsVoice is there by their side, advocating for each client's unique needs, whether they are an infant or age 24. Learn more about each of these success stories, which are categorized by KidsVoice's Three Pillars of Service, by clicking on a client’s name. All names have been changed to protect our clients’ privacy.


Stories that explore the search for a safe, stable, loving home, including
kinship care, adoption, and family reunification stories.


Samantha* is a young teen mom who began to miss school for long periods of time.

Children who have experienced trauma may be slow to trust, which is why it is so important for them to know that, at KidsVoice, they have safe adults to turn to.

The Williams

When Mom faced a mental health crisis due to past trauma, the Williams family* needed assistance.

Many children enter foster care because their parents are struggling with their mental health or addiction. When parents' needs are addressed, reunification can be achieved.


Adam*, 13, was a quiet child with autism who was in need of a family that would allow him to flourish.

Most children in care have histories of trauma. Many also have disabilities. Finding a suitable placement is important for ensuring a healthy, nurturing environment for the child.

Breanna and Jacob

Breanna and Jacob* are young siblings. Their biological family is an essential part of their life.

The first goal, when a child must be placed, is to find a suitable relative to live with. But sometimes there are good reasons why a non-relative may end up being the best option.


Jeffrey* was born severely premature and needed round-the-clock care.

Kinship care is usually built on pre-existing bonds, but even the strongest relationships can use some assistance, especially when there are severe medical needs to be met.


Ana*, 6, became a KidsVoice client when she was removed from an abusive family. 

Understanding the negative impact that significant trauma has on a child, our immediate goals for Ana were to ensure three things: a nurturing environment, expedited access to a therapist, and prompt enrollment in school.


KidsVoice advocates for children's rights in many ways. These stories explore advocacy in areas
like education, health and well-being, and financial security.


Abriana* has an intellectual disability. When a representative from Allegheny County reached out about Abriana’s case—she was homeless—we were ready to help.

KidsVoice advocates for the rights of youth with intellectual disabilities and autism, helping them obtain Social Security disability benefits and state-funded waivers that provide lifetime benefits for eligible youth.


KidsVoice was appointed to represent Michael* when a truancy case was opened with the county.

Twelve-year-old Michael had a lot of responsibility on his shoulders and he began to act out.


Darnell* is 17 years old. He has been in foster care for over a decade and seeks a sense of normalcy from his education. 

KidsVoice education advocates ensure that youth have what they need to succeed—inside and outside the classroom.


Anthony* is a straight-A student whose list of hobbies keeps growing.

KidsVoice advocates for a child's right to normalcy, ensuring they can take part in everything their peers can, like sports and other extracurricular activities.


Edward* was the only ASL-using student at school. He felt isolated.

Already behind his peers educationally, the pandemic caused 11-year-old Edward to fall even further behind.


William* is a talented young musician. When his parents died, his beloved violin was repossessed.

KidsVoice seeks to foster self-esteem and ensure each child we help has the opportunity to pursue their passions.


Matthew* is a gifted student whose curiosity knows no bounds, but his school struggled to see beyond his depression and ADHD.

Trauma can lead to disruptions in a child's behavioral and mental health. KidsVoice helps ensure that these trauma responses don't lead to discrimination.


Simon's* disabilities hindered his speaking, chewing, and swallowing, but his mother, struggling with addiction, could not address his needs

KidsVoice advocates for the rights of youth with disabilities ensuring they have all the specialized supports they need at all stages of life.


Many supports for foster care youth end at 18 or 21, depending on the case. These stories
illustrate KidsVoice's mission to stand with clients through age 24,
as they face challenges unique to this vulnerable population.


Corinne, 18, has earned her high school diploma, but isn't ready for her educational journey to end.

For some students with individualized education plans, extending school through age 21 offers integral time and resources to build life and job skills.

Teresa and Isaak

Teresa* is a 21-year old single mother to six-week-old Isaak*. Teresa spent years in and out of the foster care system and juvenile court, and she desperately does not want that for her infant son. 

KidsVoice's specialized Two-Generation advocacy program for young parents focuses simultaneously on the education and workforce skill development of the parent, and on the development and early learning of their young child.


Facing housing instability and receiving treatment for past trauma, Jaylen* maintains a determined path to achieve his dreams.

KidsVoice provides clients with advocacy, resources, and expertise to help them achieve their hopes for life after high school, whether that means college, job-training, or other post-secondary opportunities.


Seth* is a transgender youth who did not enter the care system until age 16.

When it comes to building a safety net for KidsVoice’s transition age youth, it can take a community.

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